Thursday, October 14, 2010

Task3 NIE - comparison of study plans

Last week I wrote how I made plans for my semester and chose the subjects to register in. This week I took a look on other students ways to plan their semester.
I chose some of the students I personally know and some randomly, so that I could hopefully see different things.
Maris S

All of their schedules and especially descriptions of making their study plans are really different. Starting from Jakob, who has designed a really cool and enjoyable visual overview of his studyplan and how different elements were drawn from each other.
Two students (Maarja and Maris) have said that they needed to plan their studies in Estonia while actually being abroad most of the semester, this gives them different perspective of choosing the subjects and preferring online courses to those that have seminars for example every week and it would be compulsory to take part of them.
Maris seems to be different from the others also because she is not studying IMKE and she just needed to take 2 courses, but needed online ones so she could be in Prague while taking them. This certainly narrowed her choice making.
In overall I think that as we have all been studying in different universities, at least for 3 years now (I guess some of the first course IMKE master students might suit in this) it's not so much planning or problematic to register and plan the semester.

It would be nice if all of us would be really structurized and have strong plans of their subjects and views of what they want. But it's reality that most of the students first choose the subjects they really want and then also concentrate on the curriculum to make sure that they would fulfill all the requirements.
While writing Task 2 I started to think that would it be actually useful to teach students on how to plan their semester. Yes, we are all grown-ups and should know how to handle our duties, but what if there are really easy and creative ways to be able to handle all the school things and also remember homework. But many students form IMKE also have to consider often work duties that might come first eve if their interests would prefer some IMKE courses.

Google seems to be the tool center that everybody use. It's no surprise, as it allows to have many needed things in the same place (although the power that Google has is enormous - but this is already different subject :P).

My main critic looking at these plans, is that they are all made after all the registering and semester planning has been done. I am sure that most of the students started to think now how they would have handed better their semester study plans while actually doing it.
I really liked two visuals from Jakob and Valeria, they really do say much more than words. But at the same time Maarja has written really detailed overview, that could probably taken as an example how a student should handle his studies.