Estonian internet availability is good. There has been many talks over opening wifi all over the country for free. Basically it is possible to use wireless internet all over the country. Mobile phone operators, Estonian Electrical company all offer somekind of possibility. Farms and faraway places in the middle of forest can have radio internet.
Estonia is a small country. Of course we have borderland as well, where fewer and poorer people live and where things are not so easily taken as in and near bigger cities. But I think actually getting internet access is not a big problem. If one wants to have it then they will get it.
There is a difference that in the city I can choose from which provider I get my internet, but in the countryside I might have to take the only one available even if it costs twice as much as quicker internet in the city.
I stayed in USA for 3 months 4 years ago and I felt in there what actually means not getting internet so easily. I was surprised to see offices where several rooms did not have internet connection (but had people working behind computers). Then I thought “and they think that I have not seen a true civilization?”
Basically I can use internet everywhere in Estonia. Because of my work I also have KÕU – a small mobile device that can be connected to my laptop and I can get to internet everywhere NMT network works. Currently I only know one place in Estonia where KÕU didn’t gave any internet connection even with car antenna. I know that this is the place I have to go to get some rest from work and technological devices :P