A very good friend of mine who finished highschool with gold medal and got her master with Cum Laude, has often told that her family is smart only because they are lazy. This means for example that her physics scientists father is lazy enough to sit down and try to invent some simpler way to research something. I like this idea. It also means that inventing and thinking is done just because this person wants to do something in an easier way or quicker than he has done it before. And it is all really selfish at the same time, because the person does not want to make the world a better place or boss has not asked for something new, but the person wants to do this. And not because he is motivated to become someone famous or invent a thing that would allow future generations to remember him, but he is just lazy.
Laziness might be one of the triggers that has helped people to evolve rapidly. Intelligence is not hidden behind continuing rules following, but thinking by yourself.
Moglen had an interesting question about musicians - what happens if no musician get paid from anymore, would they still compose music? Yes they would! Most good art is made when the artist is really frustrated, by some emotions usually love/hate/anger but also being poor and not getting something to eat or feeling cold, might be the one to trigger their mind. I want to say that, those suffering artists would still make art - music, paintings, photographs, drawings, dancing ... etc...
I have job that I like. I truly feel that I am not doing it for money. But I would no continue if I wouldn't get paid - the flat owner would still ask rent from me.
Now back to the point. Most of worlds computers use software made by big corporations. At the same time there is always possibility to get free and shareware. But.. for average user it is much more easier to allow everything to be installed in your pc and not worrying what software they should use if they want to make a text document.
Our team makes software that is not deeded to personalize for each special user on our portal. Our team works for money but not only. Currently we are puttin more time inside to get the best goal, then we can get back at the same time. But we still get going, because we do believe in the outcome and the idea behind it.
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